
Plan to CEH

Plan to CEH

In this series of posts, I will write about my journey towards CEHv11 certification,covering the following topics based on the eccouncil online course:

  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
  3. Scanning Networks
  4. Enumeration
  5. Vulnerability Analysis
  6. System Hacking
  7. Malware Threats
  8. Sniffing
  9. Social Engineering
  10. Denial-of-Service
  11. Session Hijacking
  12. Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
  13. Hacking Web Servers
  14. Hacking Web Applications
  15. SQL Injection
  16. Hacking Wireless Networks
  17. Hacking Mobile Platforms
  18. IoT Hacking
  19. Cloud Computing
  20. Cryptography

In this series of posts only the official documentation is studied and that is available in this repository.

for laboratories will be used

And any linux distro like Kali or Backbox or Arch or … for main pentesting SO.

To consider

  • sorry for my bad english!!!
  • this is NOT definitive guide to CEH
  • this series of posts can change at any time (generally for updates)
  • always consider the post date with respect to the CEH version (think in the future)
  • practice until fingers bleed this is only way to get any certification CEH, CompTia, OSCP


Still here? Go practice right now!!!